Media Mentions

If I'm mentioned in an article, I'll post a link and repost the article.

This Stanford Life

Someone from the Stanford Daily wanted to profile students and see all of their weird eccentricities. Being a weird and eccentric person, I volunteered. The article she wrote (also in the Stanford Daily) is below. It's not exactly how I would describe myself, but I think that she was fair.


This Stanford Life No. 1: Sam King

By Renee Donovan February 20, 2013

“I think a lot of people don’t have an ethical code they live by every day. A lot of people are apathetic. They don’t know the implications of their purchase decisions.”

My Emails are Famous!

A designer made a slide deck ( If you look at page 99, you'll see one of my emails. Hah!

In my defense, emailing out images and PDFs is a bad user experience for the readers (especially readers on phones or people who use screen readers). Plain text for the win!

Haas Center works to close gender gap in public service

The director for the Haas Center for Public Service, Thomas Schnaubelt, mentions how Code the Change is bringing more guys into public service. One thing that I've noticed with Code the Change is how public service is bringing more women into computer science.


Pando Daily: Top 5 Stanford CS Student

The Pando Daily rated me one of the top 5 Computer Science students at Stanford.  The interview is available at


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